Class 11 Physical Education CH4 Physical Education and Sports for Children With Special Needs(CWNS) Notes

Physical Education and Sports for Children With Special Needs(CWNS)

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∆ Adapted Physical Education

• Definition
Adapted Physical Education is an individual program for students with different types of disabilities that enable success in physical education. 

• Aim
The primary goal of physical education is to ensure that the child is provided with physical education services that meet his/her needs.

1. Individualized Education Program: A consideration of Individualized Learning Program determines the needs of child and adapted program would be the safety of the student.

Development of motor skills:  Another consideration would be the development of motor skills of the student.

3. Active Participation: It strives to ensure that each student is participating in physical education at his or her own level.

 4. Self-Esteem: It strives to assist students to develop self- esteem.

 5. Socialization Abilities: This program of physical education emphasizes to develop social qualities for best adjustment in society.

• Principles

1. Activity According to Individual's Ability: In Adaptive Physical Education program, the activities are specially designed for them according to their ability.

 2. Modified Equipment: Equipments are specially designed and modified according to individual’s needs.

 3. Easy and Simple Rules: The Adaptive Physical Education activities should have easy and simple rules.

 4. Instructed and Trained Properly:  In adaptive physical activities they should be well instructed.
5. Suitable Environment: The activities should be participated in suitable environment away from pollution, noise, or danger.

∆ Integrated Physical Education

• It is the knowledge of different sub-topics and other utilities, so that the students could be trained properly. 

•The knowledge of integrated physical education promotes the fitness and willingness of the individuals.

• It helps in designing high quality programmers for targeted group of students.

∆ Special Olympic Bharat

Special Olympic International was started by Eunice Kennedy Shriver, sister of former President of the United States of America, John F. Kennedy. 
Special Olympic came in India with the formation of Special Olympic Bharat in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Special Olympic Bharat is an Organization approved by National Sports Federation and Special Olympic International for the development of persons with intellectual disabilities. 

∆ Paralympic
Ludwig Guttmann is known as the father of Paralympics. It was first organized in Rome, in 1960.
The headquarter of Paralympic is situated at Bonn, Germany.
The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is responsible for organizing summer and winter Olympics games.
It is the competition held in parallel with Olympic Games including impaired muscular power, leg length difference, vision impairment and intellectual impairment etc.

∆ Deaflympics
The Deaflympics are the games for deaf athletes. These games are organized by "The International Committee for the Deaf" since the first event and they are approved by I.O.C. The Deaflympics were held first time in Paris in 1924. In the place of commands or starter guns, they are guided by lights, flags.  

∆ Concept of Inclusion
Inclusion means every person has the possibility to participate fully and equally in all social processes.
Inclusion rejects the use of special schools or classrooms to separate students with disabilities from students without disabilities.
By contrast, inclusion is about the child's right to participate and school's duty to accept child. 

∆ Need of Inclusion

• Inclusion in physical education helps the students with disabilities to increase their social skills and improvise them. 

• A child feels that he/she also belongs to the entire group of class so a feeling of belongingness is developed 3.Inclusion helps a child to increase his/her motor skills and lead a normal life.

∆ Inclusive Education
It is defined as a learning environment that promotes the full personalacademic and professional development of all learners irrespective of race, class, color, gender, disability, sexual preference, learning styles, and languages. 

∆ Role of Counsellor
A school counsellor helps children in all ways, be it academic, social, behavioural or environmental.
The counsellor’s job is to take child's problem seriously and help them to find a solution.
Counsellors have special training in how to help kids to solve problems and queries.
They work in collaboration with the teachers, parents and special educators to create a healthy learning environment that makes them feel comfortable.  

∆ Role of Speech Therapists
Speech and language therapist play their role in you and your pupils, with speech, language and communication needs.
They work closely with parents, teachers, doctors and occupational therapists and many more.
They play a key role in diagnosis of children with different language, speech and communication needs. 

∆ Role of Physiotherapists
Physiotherapy is an allied health care profession  which promotes the health and well- being of all. It aims to help maximize movement and function when someone is affected by injury, development delay, illness or other disability.  

∆ Physical Education Teachers
Physical Education Teachers, commonly known as Physical Training Instructor (PTI) or PE teachers are responsible for the education of primary and secondary school students  in physical activity and psychomotor training or learning. To motivate students to participate make in them discipline is also a responsibility of physical education teacher.

∆ Role of Occupational Therapists 
Occupational Therapists are regulated health care professionals who work with children in variety of settings including schools. The occupational therapist well asses the child and modify the environment, or the way of doing a task to promote a better participation and independence. 

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