NCERT Notes for Olympic Value Education Class 11 PhE

Olympic Movements


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Ancient Olympic Games
The origin of Olympic Games belongs to Greece. The record says that the first historic movements of games occurred in the year 776 BC. These games were played in the state of Athens near the Valley of Appheur River at city Olympiad. These games were played as religious festivals in the honor of their god ‘Zeus’. The Ceremony of Olympic Games begin form the new moon day in July after every four year. These games came to end when the Roman Empire ‘Theodosius’ banned these games in the year 394 BC.

Modern Olympic Games
The revival of Modern Olympic Games was taken by Baron Pierre De Coubertin. The ‘Restoration of Olympic Games’ was pronounced by Coubertin in the Conference of Physical Education on 25th November 1892. In 1894 the International Conference of Amateur Sports at Paris, International Olympic Committee was formed to conduct the modern Olympic Games.
The first Olympic Games were held at Athens, Greece in 1896.
The woman participation was allowed in 1900 when, second Olympic Games were held at Paris, France.

There are Winter and Summer Paralympic Games, which since the 1988 Summer Games in Seoul, South Korea, are held almost immediately following the respective Olympic Games. International Paralympic Committee (IPC) was formed on 22 September 1989 and is situated in Bonn, Germany. The vision of IPC is ‘To enable Para athletes to achieve sporting excellence and inspire and excite the world.’
The first Winter Paralympic Games was organized in 1976 in Omnskoldsvik, Sweden.
The first summer Paralympic Games were conducted from 18 to 25 September 1960, in Rome.

Special Olympics
Special Olympics is the world's largest sports organization for children and adults with intellectual and physical disabilities.
The Logo of Special Olympics is based on the sculpture "Joy    and Happiness to All the Children of the World" by Zurab Tsereteli an was adopted in 1979. It reflects joy, happiness, confidence amongchildren and adults with special needs who are learning coordination, mastering skills, participating in competitions and preparing themselves for richer, moreproductive lives.
The Special Olympics was officially recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1988.

Olympic Flag
Olympic flag was designed according to Coubertin’s suggestion in 1913 but it was firstly hosted to Olympic stadium in 1920 at Antwerp Olympic Games. It consists of five colured interconnected rings on a white background. The colours of rings are blue, black, red, yellow and green.
The Olympic flag symbolizes supporting attitude of all people of the various continents.

Olympic Motto
The Olympic motto is “Citius, Altius, Fortius” which means to perform for the fastest, highest and strongest competition. It was announced by Coubertin in 1900 at Paris Olympic Games.

Olympic Prize
In ancient times, the Olympic Game winners were awarded with olive crown but in modern Olympic Games winners are awarded by medals and certificates. First position holder receives gold medal, second receives silver and third receives bronze medal and upto first six positions they also get certificates.

Olympic Oath
Olympic oath is taken by the athlete of the host country. He holds the corner of the flag on behalf of all competitors. The oath is as “In the name of all competitors, I promise that we shall take part in these games, respecting and abiding the rules which govern them, committing ourselves to a sport without doping and drugs, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for he glory of sport and the honor of our teams.”

Olympic Flame
The Olympic flame was first lit in 1928 at Amsterdam, Netherlands Olympic Games. It is a continuity symbol of ancient and modern Olympic Games. The Olympic flame is lit in front of the ruins of the Temple of Hera in Olympia by focusing the rays of the sun using a parabolic mirror to ignite a flame. A long relay of runners carries the torches to the site of the Games, where the final torch is used to light a cauldron. The games are declared open officially by kindling the torch and the flame remains lit until it is extinguished in the Closing Ceremony.

Remember, the runners do not pass the same torch; only the flame is passed on to the next torch bearer. Each runner is allowed to keep their torch.

The first such relay took place for the 1936 Berlin Games when 3,331 runners carried the flame through Greece, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Germany.

 Olympic Ideals
The Olympic ideals that Coubertin set: “The important thing in the Olympic is not to win but to take part. The important thing in life is not the triumph but to struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to fought well.”

 Values through Olympic

·        Friendship 

·        Solidarity 

·        Fair Play

·        Free from discrimination

·        Free from drugs

 Olympic and Drugs
Sometimes, athletes and players choose illegal methods to achieve fame, name and money in Olympics, so they take drugs to enhance their performance.
For this IOC has set up many testing laboratories to test athletes for drugs named as World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

 International Olympic Committee (IOC)
International Olympic Committee (IOC) is the supreme authority of the Olympic movement formed in June 1984. It is an official and supreme authority to spread Olympic movement worldwide through International Sports Federations, National Olympic Committees, Organising Committees for the Olympic Games, United Nations etc. It reserves the right on Olympic Games, the symbols and other elements which are related with the Olympic Movement. The headquarters of International Olympic Committee is at Lausanne, Switzerland.

 Role of IOC:

1   To encourage and support the organization development and coordination of sports and sports competition.

2.     To ensure the regular celebration of the Olympic Games.

3.     To encourage and support the promotion of women in sports at all level.

4.     To act against any form of discrimination affecting the Olympic movement.

5.     To oppose any political or commercial abuse of sport and athletes.

6.     To oppose any type of doping in sports.

7.     To encourage and support measures relating to the medical care and health of athletes.

8.     To encourage and support initiatives blending sport with culture and education.

9.     To encourage and support the development of sport for all.

Indian Olympic Association
The Indian Olympic Association was founded by Sir Dorabji Tata as its first President in 1927. The Indian Olympic Association is the governing body for the Olympic Movement 
andthe Commonwealth Games in India.

The IOA looks after several aspects of sports and sportspersons which includes sending athletes or teams to represent India in the Olympic Games, Common wealth Games, Asian Games and other international multi-sport competitions of IOC, CGF, OCA and ANOC.

Role of IOA:

1.     To develop, promote and protect the Olympic movement in India in accordance with the Olympic charter.

2.     To educate the public of the country as to the value of sport.

3.     To assist national Sports Association for the better selection of players and their training.

4.     To supervise the sports development in the country like stadiums, infrastructure, etc.

5.     Random check of athletes related drugs as per directions of IOC.

6.     To provide technical help for conducting National level competitions.

Olympic Symbol

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