NCERT Notes for Changing Trends and Career in Physical Education Class 11 PhE

 Changing Trends and Carrier in Physical Education 


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● Concept, Aims & Objectives of Physical Education
● Changing Trends in Sports- playing surface, wearable gears and sports equipment, technological advancements
● Career Options in Physical Education
● Khelo-India and Fit-India Program

Meaning of Physical Education 
Physical Education is a combination of two words ‘physical and education’. The meaning of physical is ‘body movements or body actions’ and education is the process of gaining knowledge. Thus, we can say that the meaning of physical education is “it is a process of learning which modifies our behavior through body actions.”

Definition of Physical Education 

1. According to J.B Nash: Physical Education is that field of whole education system which deals with big muscle activities and their related responses.
2. According to Delbert Oberteffer: Physical Education is the sum of those experiences which comes to the individual through movements.
3. According to R. Cassidy: Physical Education is the sum of all changes which comes to the individual caused by experiences involving motor activity.

Aims & Objective of Physical Education

Aim: The aim of physical education is to make every child physically, mentally and constitutionally fit. To develop in them such personal and social qualities that help him to live happily with others and build him into a good citizen.
1. Physical Development: According to this objective, body should grow in a proper way. Physical activities help in developing the body. Our body is a kind of machine which grows and develops with physical activities. It improves our neuromuscular responses and leads to maximum organic development.
2. Mental Development: This development is related with positive thoughts, ideas, behaviors, attitude and responses. This objective guides a person to make his/her mind fit for upcoming challenges. This objective directs the growth and developments in a sequential manner.
3. Social Development: This objective develops the social qualities like cooperative behavior, friendship, togetherness, unity, honesty, obedience, leadership, self-discipline etc. Social development helps an individual to be an ideal citizen and a useful member of the society.
4. Emotional Development: Emotions are very important part for optimum development of human’s personality. Emotions like hate, love, anger, jealousy, etc. are part of human life. Physical education provides good opportunities to practice these. Thus, emotional development helps a person to achieve the aim of physical education.
5. Interpretive Development: Physical Education helps develop interpretive ability amongst the individuals where they can critically reflect upon physical activity in both their local and intercultural context. 

Career Options in Physical Education
The National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) has recognised the courses which prepare teachers of Physical Education for school system in India. NCTE recognises only three courses for Physical Education Teachers.
1. Diploma in Physical Education (D.P.Ed)
2. Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed)
3. Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed.) 

Various Careers: 

a) Teaching related career: 
i) Elementary school level
ii) Middle school level
iii) High school level or senior secondary school level 
iv) College and university level 

b) Coaching career: 
i) Administration related career 
ii) Physical education department 
iii) Sports department 
iv) Sports facilities management 

c) Health related career 
i) Health club 
ii) Athletics training 
iii) Aerobic dance 
iv) Gym training 

d) Career in communication and media 
i) Sports journalism 
ii) Book publication 
iii) Sports photography 
iv) Sports broadcasting 
v) Commentator in games 

e) Sports related career: 
i) Physical education Instructor 
ii) Umpire/Referee 
iii) Professional Player 
iv) Administration Sports Competitions 

There are several types of sports competitions which are as follows: 
1. Intramural Sports Competitions: Intramural sports competitions are conducted between the players or teams of the same institution. e.g., Inter-Departmental Sports Competitions. 
2. Extramural Sports Competitions: Extramural sports competitions are organized between the players or teams of two or more institutions. e.g., Inter-University Competitions. 
3. Inter-District Competitions (State): Inter-District or State level competitions are those competitions where individuals or teams of more than two districts compete with each other.
4. Inter-State Competitions (National): Inter-State or National level competitions are those where individuals or teams of two or more states compete with each other. 
5. International Competitions: International competitions are those competitions where individuals or teams of two or more countries compete with each other. e.g., Olympics, World Cups, etc. Sports 
Competitions at national level 
1. CBSE Inter-School Sports & Games Competitions: Every year, CBSE organizes sports competitions for all affiliated schools in different age groups at Cluster/ Zonal and National levels.
2. National School Games: The School Games Federation of India which was formed in December 1954, organises Sports and Games competitions for boys and girls at the national level. At present about 24 states are members of this organisation. 
3. Khelo India Youth Games: Khelo India School Games (KISG) now known as Khelo India Youth Games (KIYG) is a national level multi-sports event held on annual basis under two categories i.e., Under–17 years for school going students and Under–21 years for college students. 
4. Khelo India University Games: Taking forward the legacy of “Khelo India” initiative, national level Khelo India University Games is organised in collaboration with All India Universities (AIU). 

Khelo India Programme Khelo India Programme, held annually in January or February are the national level multidisciplinary grassroot games held for under 17 years school students. Every year best 1000 students will be given an annual scholarship of Rs. 5 lakh for 8 years to prepare them for the international sporting events. 

Khelo India school games, which are a part of the Khelo India Programme, are first being held from 31st Jan to 8th Feb 2018 at Indira Gandhi Stadium, Delhi by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. 

Aim: To make popular the rural, indigenous and the tribal sports/games to disseminate information and pique the curiosity of the present generation about these games and also to encourage children and youth to take up these games in a major way. 

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