NCERT Notes for Yoga Class 11 PhE


  • Meaning & Importance of Yoga 
  • Elements of Yoga 
  • Introduction- Asanas, Pranayamas, Meditation & Yogic Kriyas 
  • Yoga for concentration & related asanas (Sukhasana, Tadasana, Padmasana, and 
  • Shashankasana, Naukasana, Vrikshasan, Garudasana) 
  • Relaxation Techniques for improving concentration-Yog-nidra.

Meaning of Yoga: Origin of the word yoga is derived from Sanskrit word 'Yug' which means to join. According to Maharshi Patanjali the meaning of the word 'Yuj' is to stabilize the mind for the union of Atma and Parmatma. Thus, Yoga is a way to join God.

Aim: The main purpose of yoga is to provide sound body with tension free and sound mind. The ultimate aim of yoga is self-identification and self-perfection which comes to self-purification and self-realization.

Importance of Yoga

The importance of yoga can be understood by the following points

1.Improves cardiovascular system: Yoga asans and Pranayamas improve the efficiency of cardiovascular system and also strengthen the respiratory system.

2.Improves Health and Hygiene: Yoga practice improves the health and develop hygienic habits of the individual. 

3.Prevents Premature Aging: Yoga practice prevents premature aging, thus old age factors can be delayed.

4.Develops Concentration: Various techniques of yoga develops the concentration to great extent, thus memory recall ability increases.

5.Good Posture: Yoga tones up body and its muscles. It Shapens the body to look attractive.

Elements of Yoga 

1.Yama: These are the basic principles for the benefit of the society. They are named as ahimsa, Satya- Astey, Brahmcharya, Aparigraha. 

2.Niyam: These are the principales for making individual healthy. They are named as Sauch, Santosh, Tapa, Swadhayaya, Ishwar-pranidhana.

3.Asanas: These are the slow stretching exercises performed to improve the fitness of the whole body. 

4.Pranayam: This is a systematic and rhythmic control of breathing performed to improve the internal functioning of the whole body. 

5.Pratyahar: These are the activities which develop our inner mental strength by controlling sense organs. 

6.Dharan: It is fixing the attention on a single i.e., high concentration.

7.Dhyan: It is the process of controlling the mind to meditation. It develops high level of concentration.

8.Samadhi: It is the state of super consciousness where 'Dhyan' reaches its climax. It is also the state of union with God.

Introduction to Asanas

●Assan is the third step of yoga after Yam and Niyam. 

●Aasana are slow stretching activities performed to improve fitness of the body and relaxation of mind.

●The effects of asana are internally felt and not observable.

●It improves physical and mental ability to a great extent.

●It increases the concentration and controls our behaviour as.

●It also cures various diseases and chronic health problems.

●Aasan should be performed in duration of 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

●It should not be performed immediately after meal.

Asanas are categorised under three types such as:

1.Cultural Aasan: For body fitness.

2.Meditative and Relaxative Asana: For improving mental activities.

3.Therapeutic Asanas: For curing various health problems.

Positions of Asanas:

1.Supine line Asanas: These asanas prepare you to proceed further in yoga and bring consistency in the development of physical and mental pliability. Examples- Viparitakarni, Matsyasana, Halasana and Naukasana.

2.Prone line Asanas: In prone line asana the posterior spine is extended, bringing consistency and mental peace. Examples- Bhujangasana, Ardha Salbhasana and Dhanurasana.

3.Sitting Asanas: Sitting up right and supine extending positions help prepare the individual physicallyand mentally for Pranayama. Examples- Vajrasana, Ardhmatsyendrasana, Padmasana and Yogmudrasana.

4.Standing Asanas: Beginners should start with these asanas as they bringe lasticityin joints and muscles and build up stamina and physical ability. Some basic standing poses are Vrikshasana, Chakrasana, Trikonaasanaand Tadasana.

∆Introduction to Pranayama

●Pranayam is the fourth stage of yoga after asana and is derived from Sanskrit word which means breathing air as power of life, thus it is a systematic rhythmic control of breathing to provide the effects over individual. 

●These are based on this process of inhale, exhale and holding of breathe like anulom-vilom, kapalbhati Ujjain etc.

●Pranayam develop a lot of strength and cure many chronic health problems.

1.Anulom-Velom Pranayam: It is simple inhale from nose and long exhale from mouth. It cures cough, cold, asthma, headache, reduces stress, relaxes from breathlessness, regulates temperature, helps meditation.

2.Surya Bhedan Pranayam: It is long inhale from left nostril, stop it for sometime and then exhale from right nostril and vice-versa after each repetition. It cures cough, cold, asthma, headache, reduces stress, relaxes from breathlessness, regulates body temperature, helps in meditation.

3.Ujayii Pranayam: In this pranayam, the frictional sound with vibrations are produced from the throat while exhaling from mouth. It cures throat, cough, helps in meditation, reduces stress, gives soothing effect over mind.

4.Sitli Pranayam: It is forceful inhale from mouth with tongue. The tongue is shaped like ‘0' in between lips. It provides cold feeling to body. It cures dry cough, asthma and regulates the body temperature.

5.Sitkari Pranayam: It is forceful inhale from mouth while lips are opened wide whereas teeth are closed. It gives soothing and cold feeling. It cures dry cough, asthma and regulates the body temperature during summer.

6.Bhramari Pranayam: In this Pranayam, the exhalation produces the vibrating sound from the throat (like honeybee flying). It cures throat, cough, helps in meditation, reduces stress, gives soothing effect over mind.

7.Kapal-Bhati Pranayam: In this a long inhale is taken whereas forceful exhale is done from nose with pressure while stomach is vibrated in and out. It cures many problems like cold, cough, asthma, digestive problems, obesity, etc. It regulates glandular functioning, thus body functions properly.

Yoga for concentration and related Asanas

1.Sukhasana: It is simple sitting with cross legs while hand over the knees.


  • Improves concentration.
  • Improves leg strength and flexibility.
  • Reduces stress and mental fatigue.
  • It helps in improving posture.
  • Helps in improving concentration for effective meditation.
2.Tadasana: In thus Asana, person stands on toes, slowly raises both hands as much as possible while coming on toes.

  • Develops leg muscles.
  • Increases height in children.
  • Improves concentration.
  • Relieves leg and ankle pain.
3.Padmasana: It is sitting with crossed legs in such a way that feet should touch the opposite hip while hands are on ones and the back is straight.
  • Improves concentration.
  • Improves leg strength and flexibility.
  • Eases menstrual discomfort and sciatica.
  • Keeps the spine straight and helps to develop good posture.
4.Shashank Aasan: In this asana we sit with flexed legs while hands and head touching floor at front.
  • Improves concentration.
  • Improves leg strength and flexibility. 
  • Helps in getting rid of constipation.
  • Releases stress from spinal vertebrae.
5.Vrikshasana: It is balancing on one foot while the other leg is flexed resting on other leg while both the hands are in Namaskara Mudra.
  • Improves balance.
  • It strengthens thigh and calf muscles.
  • Develops neuro muscular coordination.
  • Improves concentration.
6.Garud Asana: In a balanced standing position one leg is rolled over the other while hands are also rolled one over the other in front.
  • Improves leg flexibility, strength and co-ordination.
  • Improves balance.
  • It helps to make the back, legs, and hips more flexible.
  • This asana helps to stretch the thighs, hips, upper back, and shoulders.

∆Shudhi Kriyas: These are done to clean the body internally. They are like Nauli, Jal-Neti, Sutra-Neiti, Vaman-Dhauti, Vastra Dhauti, Tratak etc.

Yog nidra: It is a state where the body appears to be asleep, but the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness.


  • Relaxes body.
  • Improves breathing.
  • Reduces stress and tension.
  • Cures LordosIs.
  • Reduces addictions.
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