To determine the resistance of a galvanometer by half-deflection method and to find the figure of merit | Class 12 | Physical Practical Copy | Handwritten with observations


Aim: To determine the resistance of a galvanometer by half-deflection method and to find the figure of merit.


Galvanometer: Galvanometer is a sensitive device used to detect very low current. Its working is based on the principle that a coil placed in a uniform magnetic field experiences a torque when an electric current is set up in it.
When a coil carrying current, I is placed in a radial magnetic field, the coil experiences a deflection θ which is related to I as
k = I/θ
I = k θ
where k is proportionality constant and is called as figure of merit of the galvanometer.


Figure of merit(k): The figure of merit (k) of the galvanometer is defined as the current required for deflecting the pointer by one division.
When a resistance R is introduced in the circuit, the current Ig flowing through it is given by (In this case, the key K2 is kept open)
Ig =
R + G
E: emf of battery
G: resistance of the galvanometer


If the current Ig produces a deflection θ in the galvanometer, then
Ig = k θ
By equation 2 and 3 we get:
R + G
= kθ
On keeping both the keys K1 and K2 closed and on adjusting the value of shunt resistance S, the deflection of the galvanometer needle becomes half.
Since G and S are in parallel combination and R in series with it, the total resistance of the circuit is given by
R' = R +
G + S


The total current I is given by
I =
R +
G + S
If I'g is the current through the galvanometer of resistance G, then
I'gG = S (I - I'g)
By equation [eq.4] and [eq.5] the current I'g is given by
I'g =
R (G + S) + GS


For galvanometer current I'g, if the deflection through the galvanometer is reduced to half of its initial value, then
I'g = k(θ/2)
R + G
On dividing [eq.2] by [eq.6] we get,
R (G + S) + GS = 2S (R + G)
RG = RS + GS

G =
R - S

By knowing the values of R and S, the galvanometer resistance G can be calculated by using the above formula. Normally R is chosen very high (nearly 10 kW) in comparison to S (nearly 100 W) for which
G = S


For determining the figure of merit of the galvanometer the key K2 is opened.
the figure of merit of the galvanometer is given by
k = (1/θ)
R + G
By knowing the values of E, R, G and &theta: the figure of merit of the galvanometer can be calculated.


  1. Clean the connecting wires with sandpaper and make neat and tight connections as per the circuit diagram.

  2. From the high resistance box (RBOX 1) remove 5 kΩ key and then close the key K1. Adjust the resistance R from the resistance box to get full scale deflection on the galvanometer dial. Record the values of resistance, R and deflection θ.
  3. Insert the key K2 and keep R fixed. Adjust the value of shunt resistance S to get the deflection in the galvanometer which is exactly half of θ. Note down S. Remove plug K2 after noting down the value of shunt resistance, S.

  4. Take five sets of observations by repeating steps 2 and 3 so that θ is even number of divisions and record the observations for R, S, θ and θ/2 in tabular form.
  5. Calculate the galvanometer resistance G and figure of merit k of galvanometer.


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